Where checklist or Menu should be placed in the Kitchen

Where checklist or Menu should be placed in the KitchenWhere hecklist or Menu should be placed on a wall in Kitchen

There are a number of items that make a kitchen worth working in, all of these add to the productivity and make the life of the cook a little bit easier. One of these items is the checklist and the menu board. This can be a simple board where a check mark is made on important dates and chores are written down or children and other members of the household to do, or it can be an elaborate smart menu/checklist which is connected to your smartphone via an app. This allows you to make lists while you are on the go and then display them in your kitchen. Whatever kind of menu or checklist you choose, one this is for certain and that is the placement option. There are many places in the kitchen where you can display the menu, but some of them have distinct advantages of the others. Here we will now review some of the best places where the menu and the checklist can be displayed.

The display on Fridge Door

One of the simplest and the easiest display options in the fridge door. The refrigerator is the most common kitchen item and therefore it is used on a regular basis the year round. Many people find it very easy to place their checklist and menu on the fridge. This has a number of advantages over other placement options and locations. One distinct advantage is that there are many people who come and go and all of them use the fridge so no matter who comes to the kitchen they will always have a look at the menu and the checklist. So even if the person for whom the chores are meant has not visited the kitchen, someone else may remind them before it is too late. Another advantage is that this is relatively out of the way from the daily cooking duty, so there is no danger of the checklist coming loose and then falling down while cooking is going on. However, as this is not too out of the way, the cook can always keep an eye on the checklist as long as he is in the kitchen.

Front of the extractor fan

Another simple place to place the menu and the checklist is on the front of the extractor fan assembly. This is usually the stainless steel or aluminum frame that is right above the stoves. There are many advantages in placing these items in this location. A checklist that is displayed right above the stoves will always be easily accessible to the cook and he can make changes or mark the done tasks as he is doing his work. If the checklist is displayed in some out of the way nook or cranny the cook might not pay it enough attention and some of the tasks may be left off. Another advantage of placing the checklist at the front of the cook is that it will motivate the cook. As the list will remind him of the tasks all day round, he will make sure that all of them are done on time. The third advantage of placing the checklist here is that the cook will have ample time to ask for something explained if he is unable to understand it and so will everyone else. If someone does not understand anything they can simply ask the cook what their job is, and it will be explained to them. However, if the checklist is in an obscure location, the cook may not be able to explain the exact job to anyone. 

Display on Wall

The third option is to display the checklist on a wall, however, this has some advantages and some disadvantages. We will now list them all. The main advantages of displaying anything on 

The kitchen wall is easiness in its installation and permanence. So when we place the checklist on the kitchen wall, there is no danger of it falling down, as opposed to it being placed on the fridge, where it is secured by fridge magnets and it may fall down. So if the checklist is displayed on the kitchen wall, it will not fall down and will be on permanent display through the day. Another distinct advantage is ease of installation. If the checklist is to be displayed on the extractor frame or the fridge, it will require a special kind of board and a number of fridge magnets. However, if it is to be displayed on the kitchen wall, we only need screws and a drill machine and the checklist is up within minutes. 

Advantages of Displaying

The main disadvantages of displaying the checklist and the menu on walls are that they cannot be removed from time to time to clean and they may collect grime over time. The paper can be removed every day of course, but the board that is installed is permanent and will collect grime as time goes by. So one of the most important tasks for anyone who is displaying the checklist on the wall of their kitchen is that they should make sure that the board is cleaned regularly. Another disadvantage is that the wall may not be in plain view for all when they enter the kitchen, so you will have to tell everyone where the checklist is once they enter the kitchen. As opposed to the fridge and the extractor fans above the stove, people do not normally do about the kitchen staring at walls. So even though displaying the checklist on the wall has its advantages, it does come with certain distinct disadvantages as well. 

All I all there are three main places in the kitchen where a checklist and a menu can be effectively displayed. All of them come with their own advantages and disadvantages and at the end of the day, it is up to the cook to choose the spot best suited for their needs.