Is It Better to Put Your Bed Under Your Window?

Is It Better to Put Bed Under Window?

Everyone deserves a good sleep. It is crucial for health if you want good health that is so. Overnight hours are the time at which your body can generate and make you get ready for the upcoming day. Due to this reason, you need a bed that can provide you good support as well as good protection too. A solid headboard will also be necessary for you to have a good sleep and be energetic the next day.

Other than the solid headboard, it is better than your bed has a solid wall instead of a window behind your awesome bed. It is due to this very reason that if you sleep on your bed under a window then you will not be able to sleep properly, neither you will be able to receive any support properly nor any protection and your personal energy will decrease over time too. But, in case if you are unable to put your bed anywhere else, there are some feasible solution for that too. If you sleep under a window, this exposure can create a variety of problems that can lead you to your health disasters, like sleep, reduced vitality and many more.

The issues, due to the exposure if you sleep under a window that you can face are as follows:

  • Air can be hazardous due to the air pollution coming from the window in case you are sleeping under the window.
  • If you are sleeping under the window, then you will be able to hear a lot of noise from outdoors that can lead to anger and stress as your sleep will be disturbed.
  • Also, if you are sleeping on your bed under a window then you will be exposed to light too, that can disturb your sleep a lot. Due to this, it will disturb your cycle of sleep a lot and your restfulness will increase along with your poor health.

If you want to know the ideal place of your bed, then it has to be somewhere with the wall that is windowless. This way you can have solid support. You should also be on the lookout to avoid placing beds next to doors such as doors of cupboards, bedrooms or restrooms. So if you are unable to find any proper placement of bed then you should use light curtain coverings to avoid the negative side effects of placing your bed under a window and sleeping on it.


In case you do not have a choice but to place your bed under a window and to sleep on it, then you should use a solid headboard that it can support you. It is made of strong wood and is quite tall as well. It is connected with the bed and can act as a shield for you. This can help you to get a good sleep in case you have to sleep under a window and your health and sleep will not be disturbed due to the insightful side effects of sleeping under the window.

Window Coverings

Window coverings can help you to have good night sleep and not let your sleep be disturbed. It will protect you from the insightful side effects of sleeping under a window such as bright light which is facing towards the window and through that trying to come into the room. This way you can protect yourself from being getting disturbed in the morning and you will have less restlessness. And also you will be able to have somewhat of a good night sleep too.

Wind and Smell

If you are sleeping on your bed under the window, you can have a lot of different smells coming from the outside that can be a hindrance to a good night sleep and can be dangerous for your health as well. Especially if you are a citizen then you must have noticed different smells in the street like car exhaustion or many people smoke too that you can experience. This kind of smells and all others can come from your window and can disturb your cycle of sleep. Since you are sleeping next to the window as well you will feel the smells the scents strongly and these smells will also get mixed up with the air already present in the room. Due to this, you can also wake up having a migraine which will not be good as you all know.

So if you do not have any choice but to place your bed under the window, then you should and will have to follow the above-mentioned tips if you want a good night sleep. By following those above-mentioned tips, your sleep can be okay and you will be less restless too. You will not be in stress or in anger. Even though it is not a good thing to place your bed under a window, so if you are able to avoid it somehow then do it and be healthy as well.

This was what people think of it as. But, some people have a different opinion about it. They do not consider that you get disturbed or whatsoever. They place their beds under windows to make their room more elegant and gorgeous. You can ask some decorator to help you in decorating your room properly and placing your bed under a window. Your bed can look great under a smaller window, but, it would look even more great and beautiful if there are curtains present at that location as well. You can use a lot of tricks to make your room look more elegant and gorgeous even it has only a smaller window.